7 Must Haves for Building a Successful Membership Site


Thank you for requesting my, “7 Principles” and welcome to what I’m sure is going to be an excellent learning experience for you.  

My biggest motivators for publishing this were the messes my team and I have run into as we have taken on membership sites projects. We have come in many times after the customer or someone else they hired made some classic mistakes.  Some were a real shame.  These were business owners needing the benefits a membership site can bring you.  It wasn’t something they thought to do on a whim.  It was something they really needed so they could:

  • grow sales,
  • improve their effectiveness or 
  • sometimes it was something the needed to reduce cost.

They instead found themselves falling way short of their goals.

They fell short not for lack of effort, intelligence or hard work.  They had plenty of that.  They just didn’t have the knowledge that comes from building 3 to 4 membership sites a month.  That’s valuable experience you can only get from working on something like this every single day.  

And these mistakes came back to bite them and it bit them HARD. 

These were not trivial mistakes you can go back an fix quickly. These were mistakes that cost them a lot in time, money and resources they didn’t have to waste.  I’m a business owner myself and I know.  Things are difficult enough as it is without having to deal with issues that could have been avoided.

As you go through this mini-course, you’ll probably notice we’ve got a number of other things going on.  We like to say we’ve got a good set of resources.  A good number of them are fully focused on membership site building.  Just as many have an online marketing twist to them.  This is done on purpose.   The two naturally go together.  A number of them bleed over into topics business owner typically face and we go over how to get past them.

Feel free to take a look around.  Please do give us your feedback.  We want to make sure we serve you well and listening to what you have to say is a big part of that.

Best regards,

President and founder

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons

I want a tour of Larry Jacob’s membership site collection

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