Preparing to Build and Sell a PROFITABLE Online Course

I have spoken with hundreds of business owners prior to their building on online course. They speak openly about their concerns. They’re building an online course or offering a membership program and a big question in their mind is who can I trust to get me the results I need?  These were all seasoned business owners concerned about how best to approach this big next step they were taking for their business.

They were online marketing savvy.  They all understood online marketing, sales funnels, lead generation. You name it.

At the same time, these were folks that had never built an online course or members program. That was new territory for them.  They would all tell you, “This is NOT an area I know well.”

When I asked these people, “What is your biggest challenge when taking on an online course or membership site project?”

Here are some of the answers I got:

“I don’t know what it takes to build one [a membership site] and what I can expect from a provider.”

“I need someone to help me understand where to even start.”

“My biggest concern is having the budget continually grow as the project goes along.”

“Hiring someone for the project and then having to spend more than necessary.”

I’ve spoken to these people and I can sense the anxiety.  And these are ones that:

  • Want to go online with the same in-person course materials they use today,

  • Are looking for ways to service more clients without hiring more staff or

  • Want to reduce the travel and hours  needed by their current in-person, one-to-one delivery of their services.

My survey made it even more clear to me that taking on a membership program or online course for any business owner is intimidating. 

The fact that the whole process reminds them of their previous failures when working a tech project doesn’t make it any better.  Every business owner I talk to has war stories about working on a project with a vendor they thought was really good and then later fell short.  So they bring that additional issue into the decision making process.

In this mini-course called, “Preparing to Build and Sell a PROFITABLY Online Course Site,”  I give a high level walk through of the issues you and your provider need to address.  It gives you an approach, a road map, a checklist for getting your project moving forward successfully.

This adventure may not be as bad as you think

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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons

I want a tour of Larry Jacob’s membership site collection

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